Is Reading Still An Important Activity Today? Why or Why Not?

Our educational career starts at a very early age from the age of three or four years starting with alphabets and then words and then sentences as we progress. Where ever it is, reading is very essential element. It helps you with proper understanding and helps finding solutions. You develop better reading skills as you go up higher in your educational career. Academic Proofreading Services Online gives you confidence for writing any kind of assignment with better understanding. 

How does reading help?

• When a person listens to any particular topic, a part of it is registered in the mind, the same thing if one reads they remember a lot more. Visual perception is better than just audio perception.

• Reading increases your creativity and imagination power. You can think a lot more and imagine. It helps you explore in detailed parts.

• It helps you write your assignments and improvises your writing skills. Recollecting things which one has read is easy.

• The more one reads the more they learn, helping with problem solving ability, gathering new information and clues.

• Reading is the main way to communicate with people. The reason the teachers used to make us read in our primary school for the whole class to follow.

• It helps one to focus on the topic and prevents distractions. It is always preferred to read aloud when one is trying to learn something by heart.

• The more a person reads the better they can get hold of better words to be used when they are writing or to get across their point while talking.

•  It sharpens the memory. The more you read the more you will be able to remember. It basically means the people who come first do not become overnight. They would have done years of hard work to get to that stage.

•Reading is said to reduce stress as well. It decreases the tension in the muscles and decreases the heart rate.

• In today’s world reading is the solution to everything. You need to read the reviews online before you buy anything. It is very essential to read details of anything and everything to make sure you are not cheated. Starting from reading the expiry date of a product before you buy to reading papers you sign for and acknowledgements you take is very important.

What are the things to do with reading?

• Reading story books, good novels provides you outlook about how to write stories and increases the vocabulary. It increases your imagination in varied angles from a natural imagination to supernatural imaginations like having a house in Jupiter.

• Magazines are accumulation of different articles given by people and advertisement. It is a very good way to kill time and learn things.

• The newspaper is a regular reading material in everyone’s house. Everyone must take out their time from their busy schedule to glance at it for it provides the updates of whatever is going around in the country and world.

• The notebooks studied by students gives an insight about lot of things. Like history gives insight about our past. Geography gives information of country, the seas, ocean, and mountains.

• Reading is not only limited to students, but also adults need to read books or journals to keep them updated or finding details or solutions about any particular problem they are dealing with. A lawyer has to read his law books about almost each case. A doctor needs to keep reading and update with new surgeries or medicines.

• Reading blogs or articles or contents help with project works and helps in easy writing. Reading helps with research and provides with varied ideas on whatever topic one wants.

The saying commonly goes “A pen is mightier than a sword” so things which are written down have changed things for better or worse. In a world like this if one is unable to read or write are very vulnerable to treachery. They get very influenced about what the others tell whether for their better or worse. They do not have their opinion or judgment about any matter as they are clueless about things making them feel out of place.


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