How to Construct Excellent Essay Writing

Often writing any particular essay can be a dreadful task for people, especially among students. There are various kinds of essays which are usually taught to students in their schools. There are also students who find the task of writing an essay on any topic, overwhelming and exciting. For students who consider essay writing as a difficult task, can break down it down into quite manageable parts. There is one easy process to write the successful essay without much difficulty. 

The steps in the process are as follows:

• Choosing a topic

One might have some assigned topic on which they have to frame one or more than one paragraph, or sometimes may have free reign in producing some content being totally of their own choice. Much time in thinking about the assigned topic need to be invested so as to produce a standard essay, having good content and great vocabulary. One can go for special analysis of the subject as well as just a general overview of the assigned topic. One must also identify whether their selected topic is any kind of information or persuasion. The purpose of writing about a particular topic needs to be determined, after which one can make research on the concerned topic and carry on with the process. The selected topic must be interesting and somewhat hold some educational value.

• Preparing an outline of all the gathered ideas

Getting one’s thoughts organized into proper channels can produce amazing pieces of essays. Writing your thoughts down into a paper can help you in discovering links, associations, and connections between your different ideas with a clearer understanding. Making an outline of these ideas that have been jotted down is the next step to be followed so as to organize the ideas. For creating an outline, the topic can be written on top of the page and further list down all your ideas, also mentioning smaller ideas underneath. All these ideas then, are to be linked with one another, helping you to write one organized essay.

• Writing the thesis statement

Since the topic has been chosen as well as the ideas are almost sorted into some relevant categories, a thesis statement needs to be created. This thesis statement will let the reader know about the main point of the essay, revolving around the main ideas that have already been jotted down. The thesis statement usually contains two parts, the first part stating the topic whereas the second part deals with the point of the essay. 

• Writing the body of the essay

This is the main task to be performed while creating the body of the essay where the topic is explained in details and described minutely so as to get a clear idea of the particular topic. Each of the main ideas that were jotted down should be written in separate paragraphs in the body. There will be some fundamental structure in each of the paragraphs, allowing the reader to keep in interest going throughout as well as helping him to relate to smaller ideas that are mentioned in each of the paragraphs. A number of examples can be mentioned and linked to the main topic.

• Writing the introduction to the essay

Since the thesis statement along with the body of the essay has been developed, the introduction then needs to be written. The introduction of any write-up needs greater concentration as it attracts the reader’s interest, focussing greatly on the main topic of the essay. Therefore, it needs to be catchy and attention-grabbing. This can be done, by writing some dialogue, a great quote or some shocking information, thereby attracting the reader and creating an urge to him to read the entire essay. The thesis statement should be included in the ending sentence of the introduction. 

• Creating the conclusion

The ending like the beginning must be written well, including all the ideas providing an overall perspective on the concerned topic. There should be three to five effective sentences, providing reinforcement to the thesis statement.

• Reviewing and adding the final touch

After completing the entire essay, one must review the order of the paragraphs so as to make the essay an organized and well-written one. The well-written sentences with strong points are to be included at the beginning and the ending paragraphs of the body. The instructions provided with the essay must be reviewed if any. 

These are the steps to create one organized essay, helping you to overcome the fear of writing an essay either of your choice or on some assigned topic. Writing down your thoughts by putting them into words will provide you an outstanding piece of write-up. Practice and research will further help you in writing essays on various topics. 


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